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第十屆 漢字與漢字教育國際研討會
The 10th International Conference on Han-Character Education and Research

发布时间: 2019-05-29

第十屆  漢字與漢字教育國際研討會
The 10th International Conference on Han-Character Education and Research 
제10회 한자와 한자교육 국제학술대회
Call For Abstract

You can Download Detail information  English   中文版   한국어판

DATE &VENUE 日期及地点 
Date 日期
20 ~ 22, February, 2020 (Fri ~ Sun) 
2020年 2月 20日(星期四) - 23日(星期天) 
2020년 2월 20일(목요일) - 23日(일요일)  
Venue 地点
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland. 
波蘭 波茲南亞當密茲凱大學 
폴란드 포츠난 아담미치키에비치대학

THEMES 研討範圍 
(1) Han-character education 漢字敎育硏究: including theoretical frameworks, teaching and learning materials, pedagogical strategies, information technology in Han character education.
(2) Research on Han-characters 漢字硏究: including history, philology, theoretical studies, annotation, graphemic analysis, etc. 
(3) classical or literary Chinese Education. 文言文敎育硏究
(4) Other related areas: research on Chinese language teaching and Chinese linguistics. 其他中國言語敎育硏究

30 June 2019: Abstract submission deadline (online submission) http://icher.nayana.kr
20 July 2019: Email notification of abstract acceptance 
20 August 2019 - 20 September 2019: Online registration 
20 October 2019: Full paper submission deadline (optional) 
Presentations will be conducted mainly in Chinese (Mandarin) and may be supplemented by English.

USD140 (including Conference program, Conference proceedings, tea reception, two conference lunches and welcoming banquet) 
Special offer for: 
Students: USD90 
Accompanying guests: USD100  

波蘭   波蘭波茲南亞當密茲凱大學臺灣語言文化研究中心 李高德(Norbert Kordek)博士  norbert@amu.edu.pl
中國內地   北京師範大學 劉麗群博士 bnullq@bnu.edu.cn
香港及海外   香港大學中文教育研究中心周小姐 cacler@hku.hk
日本   日中翻訳文化教育協会楊鐵錚博士 yangtiezheng@foxmail.com
韓國   檀國大學漢文教育研究所許喆博士 conference@han-character.education
台灣   高雄師範大學華語文教學研究所鄭琇仁博士 hsiujen@gmail.com
越南   胡志明市師範大學陳開春博士 trankhaixuan.ktt@hcmue.edu.vn
波蘭 波茲南亞當密茲凱大學 Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
香港 香港大學 中文教育研究中心 Centre for Advancement of Chinese Language Education and Research (CACLER), Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong.
中國 北京師範大學 民俗典籍文字研究中心 Ethnic Research Centre for Folklore, Classics and Chinese Characters, Beijing Normal University, People’s Republic of China.
臺灣 高雄師範大學 華語文教學研究所 Graduate Institute of Teaching Chinese as a Second / Foreign Language, Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan
臺灣 高雄師範大學 國文系 Department of Chinese, Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan 
臺灣 文藻外語大學 應用華語文系暨華語文教學研究所 Department of Applied Chinese and graduate institute of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Taiwan
韓國 檀國大學 漢文教育研究所 Han Character Education Research Center, Dankook University, South Korea.
韓國 高麗大學 漢字漢文研究所 Institute of Chinese characters &Korean literature in classical Chinese, Korea University.
韓國 漢文教育學會 Society for Korean Classical Chinese Education, South Korea
韓國 漢字漢文教育學會 The Korea association for Han-Character and classical written language education, South Korea
日本 日中翻訳文化教育協會 The Society of Education for Translation and Cultural Studies in Japan and Chinese, Japan
越南 胡志明市師範大學 Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, Vietnam   

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