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胡佳佳、王宁:Quantitative analysis of Chinese characters system based on a tree model

发布时间: 2014-05-01

胡佳佳、王宁《Quantitative analysis of Chinese characters system based on a tree model》,《Glottotheory》,2014年第1期。

Abstract: As an ideographic system, Chinese writing is not based on the irreducible elements used in speaking (e.g., syllabic or alphabetic elements) as in phonetic systems. Consequently, there is a misperception that in Chinese writing, each character is treated as a separate symbol, which makes it seem very difficult to learn Chinese writing. In the modern study of Chinese ideography, the elements of Chinese writing are called components, which can play a quadruple role in composing characters. Based on this understanding of components, this paper uses the mathematical tree model to analyse the structure of Chinese characters and create a computational description of all of the character structures explained in Shuowen Jiezi, a character dictionary of Chinese seal script. Using this methodology, this paper also performs a statistical analysis of synchronic Chinese characters and provides quantitative data to illustrate the systematic nature of Chinese writing. There is much room for further research using this methodology.

Keywords: Chinese character structure system; tree model; character component; structure mode; character layer; direct constructing ability


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