Oversee Students on Campus
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Published: 2019-12-25






Beijing Normal University - Cardiff University Chinese College was co-founded in September 2015 by the School of Chinese Language and Literature of Beijing Normal University and the School of Modern Languages of Cardiff University, which offers a four-year undergraduate dual-degree Chinese course that is unique to the UK.




Figure 1  Inauguration of Beijing Normal University - Cardiff University Chinese College




234 betway唯一官方网站与卡迪夫大学现代语言学院互访

Figures 2, 3, 4  Exchange visits between the School of Chinese Language and Literature of Beijing Normal University and the School of Modern Languages of Cardiff University





Founded in 1883, Cardiff University is a public research university in Cardiff, the capital of Wales. With over 31,000 students from more than 140 countries, it is the only Welsh member of the Russel Group. Ranked the 145th in QS World University Rankings 2020, Cardiff University is a research-intensive university. It is formed by three colleges, including the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, the College of Biomedical and Life Sciences, and the College of Physical Sciences and Engineering.



Figure 5  Cardiff University


卡迪夫大学拥有全英规模最大的现代语言学院之一,有接近600名学生及60名职工,国际学生人数约占百分之二十四。本科课程涵盖从本科至博士阶段的多种语言及学科,包括汉语、法语、德语、日语、意大利语、葡萄牙语、西班牙语和翻译学。 学院致力提供跨学科的学习环境及各种实习机会,以提升学生的外语水平及对全球政经文化的深入了解。

The School of Modern Languages, home of over 600 students and 60 academic staff, is one of the largest and most vibrant of its kind in the United Kingdom. It offers undergraduate programmes in Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Translation. Students are encouraged to pursue interdisciplinary studies and are offered a wide range of internship opportunities. In addition to their chosen languages, they are expected to gain an in-depth understanding of global histories, cultures and politics.



Figure 6  School of Modern Languages, Cardiff University





Through Sino-UK high-level educational and academic cooperation, the Chinese College is committed to the cultivation of professionals with a global view, knowledge of the Chinese language and social culture, and practical skills in fields such as economy, education, translation and communication. Graduates will obtain both a BA Degree in Modern Chinese from Cardiff University and a BA Degree in Chinese Studies from Beijing Normal University.



Since 2017, the Chinese College has attracted three cohorts of outstanding high school graduates from the UK, Poland, Sweden, Germany, Slovakia and other countries. Each year, this programme receives a large number of applications. Through interviews and a strict selection process, the Chinese language level at the entry of this programme is raising year by year.



Figure 7 The School of Chinese Language and Literature of Beijing Normal University welcomes the first batch of freshmen of the Chinese College


8 诺贝尔文学奖获得者莫言教授与2018级同学合影

Figure 8 Group photo of Mo Yan, Professor and Nobel Literature Prize winner, and the Class of 2018



Undergraduates have to complete their four-year undergraduate curriculum in Cardiff and Beijing. During their freshman year, the School of Modern Languages at Cardiff University offers basic Chinese courses and the introductory courses of Chinese history and culture.


9 卡迪夫中国电影课堂

Figure 9  Cardiff University’s Class of “Chinese Films”



1011 在卡迪夫大学学习期间练习书法

Figures 10, 11 Students practice calligraphy during their study at Cardiff University


12 在卡迪夫大学学习期间的师生合影

Figure 12 Group photo of teachers and students during the study period at Cardiff University



During the sophomore and junior years, the School of Chinese Language and Literature of Beijing Normal University offers courses of Chinese language, culture and practice bilingually in English and Chinese, including Chinese Applied Writing, Business Communication Chinese, English-Chinese Translation, Ancient Chinese History, Modern Chinese History, Sino-West Cultural Exchanges and Comparison, Ancient Chinese Thoughts, Chinese Economy, Chinese Politics, Chinese Law, Chinese News, Chinese Media, Chinese Diplomacy, Urban and Rural China, and Chinese Pop Culture, etc. In the junior year, students are also offered opportunities to engage in a variety of professional and social practices in fields such as art exhibition, book publishing, media design, and film and drama, in order to improve their ability of speaking Mandarin at work and collecting research data. The two-year study and experience in Beijing help students to gain a deep understanding of the daily life of today’s Chinese people. In the senior year, students return to Cardiff University to complete their English academic dissertations.


13 北师大中西文化交流与比较课堂

Figure 13 Beijing Normal University’s class of “Sino-West Cultural Exchanges and Comparison”


14 北师大中国古代历史课堂

Figure 14 Beijing Normal University’s class of “Ancient Chinese History”


15 北师大基础汉字课堂

Figure 15 Beijing Normal University’s class of “Basic Chinese Characters”


16 中国媒体课上带领学生参观访问人民网

Figure 16 Students visit people.com.cn in the class of “Chinese Media"


17 原北师大校长、卡迪夫大学校友钟秉林教授应邀为学生介绍中国教育的现状与未来

Figure 17 Professor Zhong Binglin, former President of Beijing Normal University and alumnus of Cardiff University, was invited to deliver a lecture on the current development and future prospects of China’s education to students



Figure 18 The School of Chinese Language and Literature of Beijing Normal University convenes a teachers’ meeting



1920 学生参加文化考察活动

Figures 19, 20  Students participate in cultural study activities



The School of Chinese Language and Literature of Beijing Normal University and Cardiff University are actively pursuing cooperation in various areas, such as embarking on the undergraduate exchange program, “3+1+1”, “1+1+1”, or other forms of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.

Copyright © 2019 School of Chinese Language and Literature Beijing Normal University